The startup boom is happening everywhere and the Gulf market is no different. In this market, Bahrain has caught the eyes of investors from many Asian countries. Recently Amazon opened its AWS platform in Bahrain much to the surprise of many people; reason is Bahrain was never known for hosting tech MNCs. Now, things are […]

Did you remember five years back we used to go to a restaurant to taste our favorite foods but now our favorite foods come directly to our native place just by a tap. Everyone needs to accomplish their task easily, taking food three times a day is a must to keep our body healthy. Therefore […]

SpotnEats is basically a pre-built food app solution for online food ordering and delivery. Many restaurants and big food chains associated with us to get SpotnEats. Apart from building online delivery system for restaurants, we also develop Ubereats like apps for online restaurant marketplace startups.  The basic solution for both online marketplace and online food […]

Want to earn more money within a short period from your comfort place by investing some dollars? Then you’re on the right track keep reading this blog and I’m sure that you’re going to taste the flavor of success as a young entrepreneur.  Artificial Intelligence catching the attention of the food industry by giving 100% […]

There is a common belief that countries in African continent are not well developed and because of poor infrastructure it is simply impossible for tech startups to survive. This belief may have been true until some years back; continuous effort from all sides, especially in Nigeria, has turned the table towards niche tech startups.  For […]

Having an online restaurant marketplace like Ubereats is the hot startup idea right now. Many techies are resorting to this idea because of its potential and future prospects. Developing countries and their cities and towns are big markets for online food ordering and delivery. Users in such markets are looking for unique, easy to use […]

The most expected industry to use the on-demand delivery model was the pharmacy sector. If you say that if one sector that can use the on-demand model to the fullest, then it is the medicine delivery. But, unfortunately this sector didn’t grow in the last three years because of strong regulation issues.  Happily, starting 2020, […]

SpotnEats restaurant order management software is one of our well-made products. Now we can say with confidence that it is the best in the market after its listing in Goodfirms. Our order management software was conceptualized after realizing the potential of a software solution in the unorganized restaurant sector. From then there is no looking […]

The startup scenario is slowly changing in the middle east countries, especially in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Generally speaking, the middle east is synonymous with oil refinery and exporting, but due to the changing landscape because of climate change and pollution, the focus is now on tech startups. In the last two years, some […]

Entrepreneurship is a tough job and very few of them taste success in their first attempt. The on-demand online food delivery marketplace is one of the few startup ideas that have a quick ROI. It is not always necessary to come up with new ideas for a startup; online food ordering is already there and […]

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